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For ministry this week, we worked out by the garden, building a compost heap, on Monday and Tuesday. Some of us were gathering materials for the heap, and some of us were participating in building it. Typically each team in our squad is in their own ministry during the week, but we got to do ministry as a whole squad for a couple days to start our week. It was definitely harder work than we’ve been used to, but it was cool to be a part of Global Community’s vision to create a fruit forest. It’s a 10 year vision, and I am not sure of all the details, but they have a decent amount of land where they are going to have lots of fruit trees and garden areas to produce fruits and vegetables. They have a vision to create jobs and supply the local markets with produce. Spiritually, God has shown them that it will be a place where people experience breakthrough and encounter the Holy Spirit. Knowing the vision, it was special to contribute to something much bigger than us.

We spent the rest of the week doing ministry at Beats and Books, as my team has been doing here in Jeffreys Bay. As part of the ministry is to grow students musically, they have lessons for their respective instruments each week. Several students take violin lessons over Zoom, and that took place on Wednesday. It was my job to be in there with them and assist the instructor with anything she needed. I would take notes for the students when the instructor gave correction.  I didn’t know a thing about playing the violin going into it… and I still don’t know a thing. 🙂 But it was special to be able to be in there with them and see them grow their musical talent!

Squad Prayer

On Wednesday, we got in groups of three within our squad and each gave two people the Holy Spirit put on our hearts to pray over. We gave our two people with a brief explanation/back story, and the other two in the group prayed over them. It was neat to have my people here praying over people in my life back home. It was also special to be able to intercede on behalf of my squad mates’ people. Moments like these remind me that life is so much bigger than me, and God’s heart towards His people is so much greater than I can imagine.


As I reflect on the last couple months being away, I just see how faithful and good God has been to me. There have been many ups and downs and in betweens, but God has remained by my side each step of the way. It’s so easy to count down the days until I get back to see my people back home, but I don’t want to miss what God has for me here each day. I’m caught in the middle of: 1. I’m going to miss these people when this is over, and 2. I just want to be back with my family and friends at home. God has been so good to me, and I continue to see Him show up daily. He has allowed me to participate in His ministry, but even more, He has revealed more of Himself to me… and knowing Him is what I am after.

One response to “Week Recap!”

  1. Don’t rush any of this! I LOVE how you are reveling in each moment of your time there. You’ll be back before you know it!

    Lots of daily prayers for you sweetheart!

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